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  1. Alien : WebeUFOBelievers

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the Space Exploration department within the BAS, ... “The aliens are very critical of our immoral behaviour and our ... - En caché
  2. Christian Info Bomb :: View topic - Aliens 'already exist on earth ...

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    4 Dec 2009 ... Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's ... "The aliens are very critical of our immoral behaviour and our ... - En caché
  3. informationliberation

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    This is how dumb they think you are: The aliens demand Earthlings stop ... Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's ... - En caché
  4. Keyword: ufo

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    EARTH is becoming "invisible" to aliens, the world's leading ET hunter ..... Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's ... - En caché
  5. mind control « Conspirosphere's Blog

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    The aliens demand Earthlings sign Copenhagen Treaty, claims government space ... Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's ... - En caché
  6. B/S « Conspirosphere's Blog

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    If only these men who hold honor and service to mankind in such high esteem ..... Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's ... - En caché
  7. Climate Change News for 11/26/2009: The Carbon Capture Report

    Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at th ... (348 words) ...... been warning them for the last two years how expensive it would be. ...
  8. UFO Alien Psyops « Aftermath News

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's Bulgarian ... “The aliens are very critical of our immoral behaviour and our destruction of .... He added that he had received prior warning to stay away from the centre of Bali ..... Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World · Goals for Mankind ... - En caché
  9. Predictive Programming « Aftermath News

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    But the exercise, which was sprung without warning on the children at St Hilary's Primary ..... Luchezar Filipov, deputy head of the space institute at the government's Bulgarian ... “The aliens are very critical of our immoral behaviour and our ..... Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World · Goals for Mankind ... - En caché

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